BATAM - Batam Immigration Office postponed the departure of 6,211 people abroad for the January-July 2023 period. Including rejecting the application for new passports as many as 150 people. "During January to July 2023, Batam Immigration postponed the departure of 6,211 people abroad," said the Head of the Batam Immigration Special Office (TPI), Subki Muildi in Batam, Riau Islands (Kepri), Tuesday, July 25. The postponement of departures abroad and rejection of passport making said
Subki said this action was an effort by Batam Immigration to prevent Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) from working abroad illegally or illegally. In addition, Batam Immigration also continues to make efforts to tighten supervision at the entrance and exit for Indonesian citizens (WNI). "We also supervise the entrances and arrivals, that indeed people who have been recommended or can convince us to pass at the checkpoint," he said.
He said, there were several places in Batam to become checkpoints, namely Batam Center International Port, Harborbay, Sekupang and Nongsa. "There are those who try to cheat, but we with the Riau Islands Police and several related agencies coordinate with each other for these people, we must postpone their departure," he said.
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