SOLO - Surakarta City Government, Central Java cooperates with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Government to establish an international hospital in the local area this year.
Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka after meeting with representatives of the UAE said the hospital would be established on an area of 2 hectares, adjacent to the Solo Technopark (STP) building.
"So we built a new hospital, it didn't 'upgrade' (increase) the existing hospital," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, July 20.
Gibran said the hospital was built on two floors and the plan was to have a capacity of up to hundreds of patients.
He explained that the hospital plans to have a cardiology specialist service.
In addition, it is hoped that it can be a reference for patients from outside the region, as well as Dr. Moewardi Hospital.
"Later it can also be added to cancer and so on. We see the needs in the market. That's why I said earlier that after cardiology there was cancer," he said.
His party has not been able to confirm that the hospital will be managed by the local or private government.
However, he hopes, with the existence of the hospital, patients do not need to be treated abroad.
Gibran hopes that hospital construction can begin this year.
"The important thing is that everything is 'deal' (deal). I'm processing the permits," he said.
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