PALANGKARAYA-The Palangka Raya Police Narcotics Research Unit raided a house on Jalan Trans Kalimantan Palangkaraya Bukit Rawi, Central Kalimantan which was used as a storage area for methamphetamine-type drugs.
During the raid, the police also managed to arrest 4 people suspected of being involved in illicit drug trafficking transactions, three of them as dealers and one woman as a user of crystal methamphetamine.
In addition, the police also managed to find evidence in the form of a suction device and methamphetamine weighing 649 grams which were kept separately by the perpetrators, namely in the wardrobe, dining table and in the front yard of the house, where the methamphetamine that was ready to be distributed was deliberately hidden in used milk cans to trick the police.
Palangka Raya Deputy Chief of Police Senior Commissioner of Police (AKBP) Andiyatna said this case was revealed after the ranks of the Narcotics Investigation Unit succeeded in uncovering three previous cases with the suspect with the initials RB with 20.27 grams of evidence on Jalan Mahir Mahar Km 2.5, Palangka Raya City.
After RB was arrested, his party developed and arrested suspects ESD, MA and PA with a total of 649 grams of methamphetamine evidence.
"Currently the four suspects have been arrested in just 1 x 24 hours along with evidence and all of them are currently still in the investigation process," AKBP Andiyatna said, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday July 19.
For the actions of the perpetrators who had carried out illicit drug trafficking transactions in the City of Palangka Raya, the police imposed Article 114 Paragraph (2) Junto Article 112 Paragraph (2) Junto Article 132 Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2009 with a maximum penalty of 20 years prison.
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