
TANGERANG - The Inspectorate of Tangerang Regency, Banten Province, reported the findings of alleged misappropriation of the 2022 village fund allocation (ADD) in Malangnangah Village, Pagedangan District, up to Rp600 million. The Head of the Tangerang District Inspectorate, Titin Wartini, confirmed that the alleged misuse of village funds with a total state loss of hundreds of millions was based on the results of an audit conducted since March with a report on the results of the examination (LHP) issued in April 2023. "For Malangnangah Village, there are cases related to the use of village funds," he said in Tangerang, quoted from Antara, Monday, July 17. Based on these findings, his party has conveyed the issue to the sub-district government and local village governments so that they can immediately follow up and return losses. "Now we are in the process of following up on the settlement," he said. The Head of the Tangerang District Inspectorate's Evaluation and Reporting Subdivision, Suryanto, added that the budget misappropriation was based on his findings on administrative examinations, taxes, and so on. "It turned out that the results of the administrative and tax audits were immediately followed up and completed. However, during the village cash inspection there was a problem," he said. He revealed, of the total findings of more than Rp600 million, the number of village refunds from the apparatus had only reached around Rp79 million. "The return process has been carried out by them (Central Malang Village) since the audit results were carried out. And the remaining replacement is now only IDR 521 million," he said. His party has given the deadline for returning state money for the next sixteen days. If it is not returned, the village/village head apparatus as the person in charge of the matter will be handed over to law enforcement officials (APH). "Now it has passed the deadline. But we prioritize efforts to summon again (the Malangnengah Village apparatus). If later we don't return it, we will hand it over to the leadership," he explained. Separately, the Village Head (Kades) of Malangnengah Tata Suharta admitted that there were findings on the use of village funds for the 2022 fiscal year. Currently, his party is working on returning some of the money that was found by the Tangerang Regency Inspectorate. "We are still making returns, but God willing, I will finish it," he said. The village fund budget in Tangerang Regency in 2022 is IDR 631.1 billion with details from village funds (DD) of IDR 315.9 billion sourced from the central budget through the National Expenditure Budget (APBN), as well as the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) of IDR 130.4 billion, tax revenue sharing funds of IDR 166.2 billion, and retribution proceeds of IDR 18.4 billion sourced from the Tangerang Regency Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD), on average per village will get IDR 1.5 to IDR 2 billion.
Village funds are currently allocated for physical and non-physical activities and direct cash assistance (BLT) for residents affected by COVID19, while the village fund allocation (ADD) is intended for the village head's fixed income (siltap), village secretary and village officials, as well as the honorarium for the chairman and members of the village deliberative body (BPD).

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