
JAKARTA - The former Deputy Regent of Indramayu, Lucky Hakim, said that Panji Gumilang argued that maintaining assets when questioned about the impression of being closed was felt at the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School.

This was discovered when Lucky Hakim spoke with Panji Gumilang. At that time, Lucky questioned the reason for the fence of the Islamic boarding school which never seemed open, creating the impression of Al Zaytun being closed.

"Even from the front fence, why was the pager closed because I asked. 'Why was the fence closed? What kind of person do you want to pray?'," said Lucky Hakim while imitating his question at that time, Friday, July 14.

Panji Gumilang also argued that the reason behind the condition of the fence was always closed to surround his assets in the form of livestock. This is because the pattern of maintenance is not fully placed in the cage.

"Yes, just pray but the pager is closed because we really have a lot of assets, look at it, call me that Luk," said Lucky imitating Panji Gumilang.

"There are indeed many goats, if it's not closed, it can be lost or left," he continued.

Hearing that answer, Lucky was not suspicious. Because, all of Panji Gumilang's statements are still in the logic.

In addition, it is also a matter of the distance of the fence very far from the hut. At that time, Panji reasoned that the area of Al Zaytun reached several hectares.

The location of the fence with the hut where teaching and learning is quite far.

"So for me it makes sense for me to be like this but the rest I don't go too deep into the realm," said Lucky.

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