
JAKARTA - Indonesia as Chair of ASEAN continues to carry out engagements with various parties in Myanmar, to help find solutions and solutions to realize peace in the country, said Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi.

As Chair of ASEAN, according to Foreign Minister Retno, Indonesia carries out several principles related to the Myanmar issue, namely making the Five-Point Consensus (5PC) the main reference, making the decisions of ASEAN leaders the basis for acting, maintaining values and principles of the ASEAN Charter, and ready to bridge differences.

"Engagements with all parties are the key in implementing 5PC. Within 7 months, Indonesia has carried out very intensive and inclusive engagements," said Foreign Minister Retno in a press statement in Jakarta, Friday, July 7.

Foreign Minister Retno explained that there were 110 engagements that had been carried out, either in the form of in-person, virtual, or via telephone conversations, including my in-person engagements with both the NUG Foreign Minister (National Unity Government) and the SAC Foreign Minister (State Administration Council) several times.

Intensive and inclusive engagements are important to do and are key to building trust, listening to the positions of all parties, building bridges to narrow differences, encouraging de-escalation of violence and rejecting the use of violence, encouraging inclusive dialogue, and inviting all parties to provide and support the provision of humanitarian assistance with principles, no-one left behind.

"Engagements is not a goal but a tool to achieve the goal, namely inclusive dialogue to achieve lasting peace," said Foreign Minister Retno.

"Therefore, this is the first building block. Currently, it is time for the second building block to begin to be built, namely encouraging dialogue between parties towards national inclusive dialogue," continued Foreign Minister Retno.

"Therefore, in my meeting, both with the NUG Foreign Minister and the SAC Foreign Minister, I have conveyed the importance of inclusive dialogue," he said.

"Inclusive dialogue is the only way forward, if the parties want a reliable peace in Myanmar. All outsiders must encourage inclusive dialogue in Myanmar," said Foreign Minister Retno.

He added that apart from all parties in Myanmar, Indonesia also carried out engagements with neighboring Myanmar and other 'key players', with the main message to support the implementation of the 5PC.

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