
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo reminded the Ministry of Defense (Kemhan), the National Police, the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), and the Attorney General's Office (AGO) to be careful in buying goods using the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).

This was conveyed by President Jokowi in an introduction to the Plenary Session of the Semester 1 State Budget Implementation Session in 2023 at the State Palace, Jakarta, Monday, July 3.

"The most important thing is that I need to emphasize, be careful to purchase goods, this is for the Ministry of Defense, Police, BIN, and prosecutors because I see a fairly large figure of Rp29.7 trillion, while if we compare this for irrigation roads, the dam is at Rp23.5 trillion," said Jokowi.

Jokowi said that shopping for goods in every ministry and institution will definitely have an impact on maintenance and maintenance.

The head of state explained that the budget needed for road maintenance and irrigation at the Ministry of Public Works was IDR 14.9 trillion, while maintenance at the Ministry of Defense, Police, BIN, and AGO was IDR 21.5 trillion.

"This is careful not to let us buy a lot of goods. If the benefits are maximum, that's okay. If the benefits are not maximized, then maintenance costs can increase to IDR 21.5 trillion, this is what we have to try to see again in detail. We must keep our state budget healthy," he said.

The President asked to maximize APBN and APBD spending in 2023 by prioritizing spending on goods and capital on domestic products, as well as ensuring that all social assistance programs are distributed on time and on target.

In addition, the President asked ministries/agencies to remain focused on downstreaming industries, renewable energy infrastructure, to the green economy, and to see and review the causes as well as solutions to programs that have not yet run in the APBN.

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