
JAKARTA - All levels of society are expected to celebrate and commemorate Eid al-Adha 1444 Hijri with an anti-oriented spirit. This was conveyed by the Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri.

Firli said that the essence and meaning of Eid al-Adha can be explored from the history of the family of Prophet Ibrahim as. who is known to be very anti-corruption.

Ibrahim a.s.'s little family, said Firli, always uphold honesty even though they are in difficult times. One of them was when Allah Swt's orders were issued. who ordered Ibrahim to slaughter the baby Ismail.

According to him, it could be that Prophet Ibrahim a.s. and his wife Siti Hajar and their favorite son, Ismail a.s., corrupted Allah's orders. considering that there is not a single human, except the devil and the devil, who knows this.

Moreover, he continued, the demons and demons who were cursed took all their ability to tease Prophet Ibrahim a.s., Siti Hajar, and Ismail a.s. not to do God's orders at that time.

"Subhannallah, Prophet Ibrahim as. did not budge in the slightest and remained steadfast in carrying out Allah's orders", said Firli, quoted from Antara, Friday, June 30.

Firli reminded that as part of mankind should always be vigilant, introspective, remind each other and strengthen one another so that they are not tempted, let alone dissolved and drowned into a corruption fatamorgana paradise that is blown by a cursed demon.

Sacrificial worship, he said, should be a momentum for humans to cultivate the nature of animals that actually exist in themselves.

The three-star National Police Retired also reminded all people that it is not the slaughter of sacrificial goats, cows, or sheep which is the essence of the celebration of Eid al-Adha.

"The courage and sincerity as well as the extraordinary willingness to avoid corruption and corrupt behavior as exemplified by the anti-corruption family of Prophet Ibrahim a.s., are actually the priority of Eid al-Adha which should be preserved in everyday life," he concluded.

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