
JAKARTA - The attention of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, to the world of education, is considered to have an important role in the progress of the younger generation in expanding their knowledge. Puan is considered an example of a community leader who prioritizes education as the basic capital in developing the country.

One proof of Puan's role in advancing the world of Indonesian education can be seen in her commitment to overseeing the collaboration between Pukyong National University (PKNU), South Korea, and dozens of universities in Indonesia.

"This could be the beginning of a greater and wider collaboration. PKNU has an advantage in the field of marine research, especially for fisheries, maritime studies and the development of innovation technology," said Higher Education Expert, Dr. Hendriyani, Wednesday, June 28.

The signing of the MoU between 18 universities in Indonesia and PKNU was carried out in conjunction with the awarding of Puan as Honoris Causa Doctor in November 2022 at the PKNU campus in Busan.

Not just watching, Puan participated in overseeing the continuation of the cooperation. One of them was when he was present at the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) regarding the implementation of the consortium cooperation between PKNU and dozens of Indonesian universities which were held at the Semarang State University (UNNES) campus, Semarang, on Thursday (22/6).

Hendriyani considers Puan's support to be proof that the DPR pays attention to programs that can advance education in Indonesia.

"This educational collaboration needs to be developed as well as with other countries. The important role of the Speaker of the DPR is to open up opportunities for cooperation and ensure that the cooperation is balanced, very significant," explained the Head of the Department of Communications of FISIP University of Indonesia (UI).

In addition to being committed to the issue of women, children and empowerment of the younger generation, Puan is also considered to be consistent in fighting for the fate of the Indonesian education world. In bilateral meetings with various state leaders, the first woman to serve as Chair of the DPR RI always encourages increased cooperation in the field of education, including research and scholarship programs.

Puan also often encourages friendly countries to provide easy visas for students or students. In every country she visits, Puan always emphasizes the protection efforts of Indonesian students or students who are studying in those countries.

"Indonesia learns from these countries, on the other hand these countries also learn from Indonesia. Indonesia itself has its advantages in food research, disasters, or social-culture that can be offered in cooperation in education between countries," said Hendriyani.

The doctoral degree winner from Radboud University, Nijmegen, in the Netherlands also appreciated Puan's efforts to continue to support women's empowerment in the field of education. Hendriyani mentioned how Puan on various occasions always voiced that women should receive higher education, regardless of her future choices.

"Puan Maharani understands very well that women have a role in building the nation and state. Women as development agents must indeed have a strong educational basis because from women too, superior seeds of the nation will be born," he said.

In the 4th session of The 8th G20 Parliamentary Speakers Summit (P20) Meeting Forum, Puan was known to mention the importance of accessing education for women around the world. While teaching public lectures or meeting students and students, Puan also always reminded that women dare to pursue their goals with education capital.

"The efforts of the Speaker of the House of Representatives to advance the nation's education can be seen from the ways it focuses on education issues. And efforts like this are important because with the highest population number 4 in the world, Indonesia only has 12 million people who have undergraduate education and above," said Hendriyani.

Referring to education level data from the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri), the majority of Indonesia's population does not or does not go to school. The number is 66.07 million people or 23.8% of the total population as of December 31, 2022.

Therefore, Hendriyani assessed that Puan's steps to focus on education issues must also be supported by other parties.

"Compared with South Korea, which is more than 30% of the population has a bachelor's degree and above. Puan Maharani understands the importance of education needs for the nation's intelligence," he explained.

On the other hand, Hendriyani said that another important thing that needs to be considered is regarding educational supporting facilities and infrastructure so that Indonesia has human resources (HR) that can compete in the world arena.

Puan herself often highlights this. As when he voiced the need for infrastructure improvements in Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi where there were elementary school children who were desperate to risk their lives crossing the river with Tomorrowok rafts to get to school because the bridge access was damaged.

Hendriyani assessed that Puan does not only focus on the issue of quality education. Issues of sexual violence and drug prevention in the educational environment are often Puan's attention, including the question of illegal levies (extortion) which are still found in the world of education.

"Paying attention to education is part of preparing a future generation that is superior and a crucial thing. Hopefully more and more national figures can continue to focus on education for our young people as did Mrs. Puan," said Hendriyani.

On many occasions, Puan is known to often mention the importance of education for the nation's successors. Like when he received the Honoris Causa Doctoral degree from PKNU in Busan last November 2022.

Puan stated that cooperation between universities is the first step in building a brighter future in the hands of the younger generation.

"The world of education is not just a domestic matter, but has become part of cooperation between countries. Collaboration between countries can contribute to improving the quality of universities and the quality of human resources of a country," said Puan.

"Education for the younger generation is an investment for the future of a country. Education is a Game Changer that can determine the progress or resignation of a country," continued the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Puan also often highlights the importance of higher education for women because the role of a woman is not only taking care of households, but also being the first school for her children later. To the younger generation of women, she often reminds that in today's era, education is an important factor in achieving success and prosperity.

"Especially in this increasingly modern era, many women play double roles as housewives as well as working mothers," said Puan in the commemoration of Mother's Day in 2022.

Bung Karno's grandson always encourages young Indonesian women to pursue higher education. In addition to achieving their goals, said Puan, education is considered to be a capital for women in educating their children in the future. "Because the most important education is coming from home. And it is the mother figure who will have many roles for her children. This is also what is meant by empowered women for an advanced Indonesia, "concluded the two Honoris Causa Doctors' degree.

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