The court sentenced Madie Goening Sius (69) to 5 years in prison, a defendant in the land mafia case in Palangka Raya City, Central Kalimantan (Central Kalimantan).
Responding to the verdict read out by the Panel of Judges led by Agus Sulistyono, unlike the demands, the Public Prosecutor (JPU) appealed.
"We appealed, but regardless, it means that the panel of judges accepted and proved that the charges were accepted. Although far from yesterday's demands. We appealed and they also appealed," said Public Prosecutor Januar Hapriansyah at the trial at the Palangka Raya District Court (PN), Central Kalimantan, Monday 26 June.
The prosecutor said the verdict had shown evidence or a signal that people own land, there was no need to be afraid of people who had verifying.
This is because what the state admits is a certificate of property rights made by the National Land Agency (BPN).
"So don't be afraid, what has been conveyed in the trial is accepted by the panel of judges," said the prosecutor.
Meanwhile, Mahdianur, the attorney for the defendant Madie Goening Sius, appealed because he did not accept the verdict of the Palangka Raya District Court Judges against his client.
"We appeal and do not accept the decision of these five years in prison. The consideration of the panel of judges in making considerations in the case does not consider the plea that has been submitted. Nor does it consider the expert side, the judge's consideration is very wrong," he said, quoted by Antara.
Mahdianur admitted that his party also assessed that the object of the case report was not as detailed as it was controlled by the land, because during the examination there was no witness stating that the certificate was overlapping on the defendant's verklaring.
"That's why it cannot be said that the reporter is the owner of the land parcels published in the forest area," he said.
Mahdianur believes that in the appeal decision later his party will accept a much different decision. For that, he said, his party will also explore the issuance of certificates in forest areas, whether there is a criminal element. If there is, it will take criminal legal action.
"We will also appeal later, so we know in the new facts that we are conducting a review. We are still sure that the defendant received verification from his parents, based on a will. If it is falsified, it should not be to the Madei but his parents, please proceed with the legal process. That's why the panel of judges makes considerations that are contrary to common sense, in the future we will continue to fight and object and appeal," he said.
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