
NTB - Investigators from the East Lombok District Attorney's Office (Kejari) involved the local Inspectorate regarding the audit of state losses in the alleged corruption case in the management of the East Lombok community empowerment mandate (APM) fund in 2017-2021.

"That's why we still have to coordinate with experts, we try with the inspectorate. If we can't, we go to the BPKP (Development Audit and Development Finance Agency)," said Head of the Special Crimes Section of the East Lombok Kejari Isa Ansyori in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Wednesday, June 21, confiscated by Antara.

In the process of investigating the alleged corruption case of APM funds, Isa said the Central Lombok Kejari had examined 30 witnesses from the management elements of the activity management unit (UPK) and business groups.

The Central Lombok Kejari currently has one suspect but his name has not been disclosed to the public.

"It is possible that more than one person (suspect)," he said.

Previously, the East Lombok Kejari determined that the alleged corruption case of APM funds had gone up to the investigation stage based on the results of the case title which had revealed indications of unlawful acts (PMH).

The management of APM funds comes from APBN grant funds in the 2009 community service assistance program (BLM). This program is also rolling in the community to be able to get financial assistance in the form of group business loans.

Isa said this APM fund is a transformation of the rural independent national empowerment program (PNPM) in 2014 which is now operating using the budget of the BLM program.

The APM fund management, he said, manages business loans for the public based on a notary deed according to the requirements of the central government. They are in every sub-district with the status of the activity management unit (UPK).

From the prosecutor's records, APM funds in East Lombok Regency operate using the remaining Rural independent PNPM budget in 2009. The state was recorded to have gradually disbursed grant funds for East Lombok Regency with a total end in 2014 of IDR 1.5 billion.

Isa also assured that the funds continued to grow from the profit of business credit payments from community groups. In Suela District alone, he said, the APM fund management is now managing at least IDR 4 billion.

He said the prosecutor's office had received information that confirmed the existence of PMH from the management of APM funds in the investigation process. The criminal indications are related to credit deposits that do not reach the sub-district level of UPK.

"One of the problems that arises is that the business credit deposit money from community groups that have been deposited through the companion does not reach UPK," he said.

Another allegation, he said, relates to the disbursement of fictitious business loans. This criminal potential arises because there is no guarantee that credit recipients must be given to the APM fund management.

With these indications, according to him, the prosecutor's office noted a potential state loss of at least Rp. 1 billion. The nominal appears for the period of managing APM funds per year.

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