
JAKARTA - The parking area on the east to west sides of the Pasar Senen area is still controlled by thugs managing illegal parking. The Central Jakarta Transportation Agency said the number of parking attendants (jukir) who used to stay in the Senen area was 9 people.

The existence of illegal parking areas in the Senen area is very complained of by the public for causing traffic jams. In the near future, the Central Jakarta Transportation Agency will arrest the jukir in the Pasar Senen area if they are still caught managing parking in the area.

"In the near future, we will arrest the jukir in the Pasar Senen area. We are working with the Central Jakarta Social Service (Sudinsos) to send the jukir to a social institution," said Head of the Senen District Transportation Unit, Effdar when confirmed, Wednesday, June 21.

Effdar said, before his party arrested the jukir, the ranks of the transportation officers and the Social Sub-Department carried out socialization. All jukir were asked to make a statement that they would no longer be jukir in the Senen area.

"Earlier they made a statement letter, in which they would no longer be jukir in the Senen area. So if they are caught again, they will be immediately arrested and enter a social institution," he said.

Effdar said that actually his party had carried out frequent raids at that location by removing the pentile and transporting the motorcycle net. However, the results are not optimal because there is still a jukir.

Residents who become jukir generally live in the Senen area, Kramat. The transportation also promised to tidy up the Senen area so that it is free from illegal parking

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