
The name Endang Anwar, founder of West Bandung Regency, plans to be immortalized as a street name in West Bandung.

The discourse came from the Regent of West Bandung, Hengky Kurniawan, during a speech to commemorate the 16th Anniversary of West Bandung Regency.

"Now it is in the process, the name Haji Endang Anwar road, hopefully everything goes smoothly," said Hengky at Mekarsari Field, West Bandung Regency Complex, Tuesday, June 20, as quoted by Antara. He said this discourse was an effort to keep in mind the services of the heroes of the expansion of West Bandung Regency. "Of course the struggle of the founders of West Bandung Regency is not easy and of course it will take a long time," he said.

The man who is usually called Kang Hengki added, with the name of the street with the name of the founder of West Bandung Regency, at least continues to remind the next generation of struggles. "Of course, the services of the heroes of the expansion of West Bandung Regency must be remembered. Please note that the struggle was carried out for the people of West Bandung who were even better," he said. Furthermore, Hengky said that so far his party had fought for the naming of the street. He also advised the people of West Bandung to always remember and continue the ideals of the heroes of the expansion of West Bandung Regency. "Let's build West Bandung together and realize the ideals of the expansion of West Bandung Regency," he said.

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