
SOLO - The Environment Agency (DLH) of Surakarta City, Central Java, said that most of the Bengawan Solo polluters were domestic waste.

"According to the evaluation conducted by BPDAS (River Regional Management Agency), more is polluted by domestic waste, 50 percent is still domestic waste," said Head of the Surakarta City DLH Management, and Management Division Budiyono in Solo as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 13.

Such conditions show that there are still many households who dump domestic waste into the Bengawan Solo flow.

However, Budiyono said, not a few Bengawan Solo polluters came from industrial activities in upstream areas of the river.

Monitoring of the level of defamation of Bengawan Solo was carried out by periodically taking samples of river water and examining it.

"There is no inter-regional limit. Yes, coordination related to supervision is the same, every year there is sampling in the waters of the Bengawan Solo River, during the rainy and dry seasons, in six tributaries. (For monitoring) Industrial waste and other areas do that," he said.

In order to suppress industrial waste pollution in the river flow, according to him, the Surakarta City Government has facilitated the construction of wastewater treatment plants (IPAL) in several industrial activities centers as well as small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

"It's in Laweyan and Sondakan. Most of them are SMEs, financially they have difficulty processing their own waste," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the phenomenon of the emergence of fish to the surface of the water that previously occurred in Bengawan Solo, Budiyono said that the cause was not known for sure.

"Usually it relates to lack of oxygen, ammonia. But the weather changes are also influential," he said.

Previously, the phenomenon of the emergence of fish to the surface of the water was reported in the Bengawan Solo section in the Sewu Village area, Sewu Village, Jebres District, Solo City.

Coordinator of the Jogo Kali Bengawan Forum (Jokalibe) Budi Utomo discussed the possibility of this phenomenon occurring due to river water pollution.

"If I'm sure it's due to pollution, yes. If it's mediocre, it's just like dryness, long heat, river water, the temperature is a bit hot, it keeps getting rained water, the temperature turns cold," he said.

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