
Denpasar Police revealed the motives of 10 men who abused a young YEN parking attendant (33) until they were found dead lying on the side of Dewi Madri Street, East Denpasar on Sunday, June 4.

"The motive from the perpetrator was because they were annoyed when they were kicked by one of the perpetrators, the victim threw stones and felt disapproved of the throwing and then (the perpetrator) got angry, ganged up and abused the victim. One of the suspects used a folding knife (stabbed the victim) causing death on the spot," said Denpasar Police Chief Kombes Bambang Yugo Pamungkas as reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 5.

Of the 10 perpetrators named as suspects, eight of them are still students and are minors.

Denpasar Police Chief said the 10 suspects were charged with a criminal act of beating or persecution that caused the victim to die as stipulated in Article 170 paragraph 2 3 of or Article 351 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code (KUHP) with a maximum imprisonment of 12 years.

When holding a press conference at the Denpasar Police Headquarters, Monday, the police only showed two suspects with the initials MI alias Ipan and GKKP alias Krisna. The other eight had the initials Z, K,H, M, U, D, A, and R.

Eight suspects who are underage will still be legally processed with the provisions stipulated in the Child Protection Law as referred to in Law no. 35 of 2014.

According to the Police Chief, the main perpetrator identified as stabbing a knife was GKKP alias Krisna (19). Meanwhile, nine other people abused the victim by hitting the victim.

After an external examination by the Denpasar Police Inafis officers, on the victim's body there were stab wounds of sharp objects, namely a knife used by the suspect Krisna.

"We are still conducting an in-depth investigation of the number of stabs because after this we conducted an autopsy to find out exactly how much and how deep the stabs were. From the post-mortem examination, it was seen that the left chest, left abdomen, right abdomen, left back and right back were found," said Bambang.

The suspects took action against the victim after they consumed liquor (Bali wine) somewhere in the Denpasar City area. After consuming the drink, the ten perpetrators circled the Renon area, Denpasar by riding with each other.

While in front of the TVRI Bali office, the ten perpetrators saw the victim walking alone home from work at around 03.00 WITA. One of the perpetrators who was underage kicked the victim until the victim ran into the yard of the TVRI Bali office.

The pursuit of the victim was dispersed by security officers at the office until 10 perpetrators dispersed.

The perpetrator, who felt the problem had been resolved, then walked home. However, 10 perpetrators moved around and returned to look for victims. The victim was tortured to death.

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