
Central Java Provincial Government under the leadership of Ganjar Pranowo has again won an Unqualified Opinion (WTP) from the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) of the Republic of Indonesia. This WTP award is the 12th time in a row received by the Central Java Provincial Government.

The WTP opinion was handed over directly to members of the V BPK RI, Ahmad Noor Supit to Ganjar in the Central Java DPRD Plenary Meeting Room, Monday 22 May. The handover was witnessed by members and leaders of the DPRD, Forkopimda and SKPD in Central Java.

"Based on the results of the examination conducted by the BPK, including the implementation or action plan that has been carried out by the Central Java Provincial Government, the BPK provides an unqualified opinion," said Noor Supit.

The 12th WTP predicate was held by the Central Java Provincial Government in a row, through the Central Java Provincial Government Financial Report (LKPD), which was considered transparent and accountable.

"Thus, the Central Java Provincial Government has succeeded in maintaining a reasonable opinion without exception for the 12th time," he said.

Supit hopes that this achievement will be an impetus to always increase accountability and transparency in regional financial management. In addition, it also improves the quality of financial reports.

"So it will be an achievement to be proud of, for that we give the highest appreciation," said Noor Supit.

BPK also conveyed several things that must be followed up. Among them are related to the administration of revenue and expenditures originating from independent businesses, namely SMK N, realization of village financial assistance, and discrepancies in contract specifications.

Meanwhile, Governor Ganjar Pranowo in his remarks expressed his appreciation to all his staff in the Central Java Provincial Government, as well as support from the Central Java Provincial DPRD.

"I want to express my gratitude to the commitment of my friends in the provincial government, yes, maintaining 12 times the WTP is certainly not easy, although of course there are notes that we must make improvements," said Ganjar.

Regarding BPK's recommendations that need to be followed up, Ganjar said he had instructed the relevant OPD. The instructions were delivered directly by Ganjar, at the time of the handover ceremony.

"So when Mr. Supit handed over, I didn't want to be brought by an aide. I immediately read and for the three things, each head of the service immediately answered," said Ganjar.

The two-term Central Java Governor hopes that the relevant OPD will follow up on the three recommendations submitted by the BPK, and it can be completed in less than the set time of 60 days.

"Alhamdulillah, the friends immediately moved, meaning that this WTP did not become our job as usual. Our work had to be extraordinary, governance still had to run, and weak points that became notes from the BPK had to be improved. There are 60 days, "he said.

Ganjar even asked that the notes submitted by the BPK could be completed in the first week. He asked for the BPK's recommendation not only to be completed, but also to be an evaluation and effort to improve much better governance.

Yang menjadi catatan kami, misalnya dari bantuan keuangan untuk desa, laporannya harus dikejar. Dan hari ini sudah dikejar. Terus, sekolah SMK yang masih jadi catatan karena praktikum yang ada di sana itu ternyata membuat uang. Nah, selama ini butuh regulasi untuk mengawas sehingga tidak boleh ada indikasi yang mengarakan pada potensi-potensi korupsi. Ini yang harus dirapikkan lagi, imbuhnya.

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