
Trisakti University criminal law expert Abdul Fickar Hadjar suggested that the victims of the Indosurya Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSP) sue Henry Surya on a civil basis. The goal is to speed up the compensation process.

"In addition to investigating his behavior, at the same time, the victims can file a civil lawsuit that is combined with the criminal process," Fickar told reporters, Tuesday, May 16.

The lawsuit of the victims of KSP Indosurya is considered to be possible to be filed simultaneously with the prosecutor during the prosecution ceremony from the public prosecutor (JPU).

Thus, this lawsuit can shorten the time for victims to receive compensation which is their right.

"This opportunity even shortened the time for victims rather than filing civil lawsuits separately," he said.

"The decision will be made after the decision process has binding legal force after going through the legal appeal and cassation process," continued Fickar.

Henry Surya will undergo trial. This is because the case file in the case of forgery of letters and placement of false information in the establishment of KSP Indosurya is complete.

As a reminder, Henry Surya was initially acquitted in a case of alleged fraud and embezzlement of KSP Indosurya funds by the West Jakarta District Court.

In his decision, the judge assessed that the defendant's actions in the Indosurya KSP case were not criminal, but civil.

In fact, the prosecutor demanded that the Indosurya boss be sentenced to 20 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 200 billion, subsidiary to one year in prison.

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