
GORONTALO - The car belonging to the Chairman of Commission III of the North Gorontalo Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD), Gorontalo Province, Aryati Polapa, a red SUV with police number DM 1233 FB, entered a ravine in the Bolaang Mongondouw Timur (Boltim) area, Atoga Village, North Sulawesi Province. "I was very surprised to receive this information. But thank God, Mrs. Chairman of Commission III Aryati Polapa, whom we usually call Mama Ati, is in good condition, healthy and not seriously injured," said Chairman of the North Gorontalo DPRD, Deisy Sandra Maryana Dukata, in Gorontalo, Antara, Friday, May 12. Desirey confirmed that Aryati's car had entered a ravine. "The reason is I don't know for sure, but if I see the video sent to us, apparently the road that is passed is very slippery and winding sharply. We suspect the driver has swayed because he lacks control of the terrain," said Keisy. Currently, we are trying to pull the car from the ravine or location of the incident. Mimi Dali, the youngest daughter of the former Head of the North Gorontalo Education Office, also confirmed the incident. "We, the family, were very surprised, and of course sad. If we look at the conditions around the incident, apparently the road is quite foggy, the driver's visibility is likely to decrease, causing an accident. Alhamdulillah, my mother is very strong, she only suffered minor abrasions. But the possibility of needing to rest because she was very shocked by what happened," said Mimi. After successfully evacuating, Mama (Aryati Polapa) together with the driver, was immediately taken and underwent an examination after the accident at the nearest health facility.
His party, said Mimi, expressed his gratitude for the prayers and support of all parties. "Mama and the driver are in good condition," he said.

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