
JAKARTA - Head of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) Ivan Yustiavandana stated that the main source of money laundering came from corruption and narcotics with a score of 9.0 or in the high category.

"If this (the flow of corruption and narcotics funds) is the most in the banking industry (the 4th rate with a risk level score of 6.74 or in the middle category), the question is, how many banking industries have reported this to PPATK based on their obligations?" Ivan said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, May 11.

Ivan spoke about the lack of reports from the regional Bank Association regarding corruption transactions or narcotics-related transactions.

He explained that the first case of money laundering was known to be related to narcotics transactions amounting to Rp28 billion. Over time, there were developments of up to Rp1.5 trillion, Rp28 trillion, Rp36 trillion, up to Rp180 trillion.

PPATK was surprised that narcotics perpetrators sent money abroad more than two thousand times to the bank, but the bank did not report it.

"What are you doing when you become a bank?" he said.

Ivan also talked about his meeting with the Chairman of BP2MI discussing trafficking in persons. Money laundering through bank transactions is still a major problem.

"The chairman of PPATK said how can people trade people and can wash their money at the bank with the best of their ability. Meanwhile, people who are traded are desperately, their money is rushed there, their eyes are not there, their noses are not there, given hard water, raped, various kinds of things, and those who trade are comfortable saving money at the bank," said Ivan.

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