
JAKARTA - Major floods hit the southeastern region of Turkey, which was shaken by an earthquake in early February, due to two days of heavy rain, including areas where Indonesian citizens (WNI) live.

Torrential rains that hit southeastern Turkey on March 15 and 16, caused massive flooding in several areas in the region. The most affected provinces are Sanliurfa and Adyaman.

In addition, parts of Dyarbakir Province were also affected by the 25 square kilometer flood. These three provinces are among the 10 provinces that were directly affected by the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that occurred on February 6.

Information from the Turkish disaster authority (AFAD) said 15 people died as a result of the flooding that occurred. The flood, which in some parts reached more than two meters, also hit the earthquake victim tent villages and a number of hospitals.

Based on data from the Indonesian Embassy in Ankara, there are 12 Indonesian citizens who were victims of the earthquake who still live in the flood-affected areas.

"The Indonesian Embassy has communicated with 12 Indonesian citizens who are still living in Sanliurfa, Adyaman, and Dyarbakir. All of them are in safe condition," said Rahmawati, a senior official for the Consular Function of the Indonesian Embassy in Ankara, in an embassy statement, Friday, March 17.

The Indonesian Embassy added, since March 13, 2023, AFAD has given warnings about the possibility of bad weather in a number of provinces in the southeastern region of Turkey.

In the period March 14-20 2023, the Indonesian Embassy in Ankara continues to monitor the development of the situation and communicate with Indonesian citizens in areas that are expected to experience bad weather.

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