
JAKARTA - The management of PT KAI (Persero) Operational Area 5 Purwokerto reminded prospective passengers that the conditions for taking a long-distance train (KA) had not changed even though the government was no longer imposing restrictions on community activities.

In Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency, Central Java, Wednesday, Head of PT KAI Daop 5 Purwokerto Daniel Johannes Hutabarat said that KAI is still implementing the rules for taking trains according to Ministry of Transportation Circular Letter Number 84 of 2022 and Ministry of Health Circular Letter Number HK.02.02/II/ 3984/2022 which came into effect on 19 December 2022.

Based on the provisions in the two circular letters, he said, long-distance train passengers aged 18 years and over must have received the third dose of COVID-19 vaccination or the first booster dose.

In addition, he said, foreign nationals traveling from abroad must have received the second dose of vaccination and prospective passengers who are not or have not been vaccinated for medical reasons must show a doctor's certificate from a government hospital.

He said that prospective train passengers aged six to 12 years must also have received the second dose of vaccination.

"For passengers aged 6-12 years who are not or have not been vaccinated, they must have a certificate of not having received vaccinations from the public health service facility for certain reasons or must be accompanied by their parents/adults who have received complete vaccination, namely the first dose to the first dose. third," he said.

In the event that parents/adult companions have not received complete vaccinations due to health reasons, he said, those concerned must show a certificate from the doctor in charge of the service in accordance with the provisions of the health protocol for travelers.

According to him, even passengers aged 13 to 17 years must have received the second dose of vaccination. Citizens within this age range who are not or have not been vaccinated for medical reasons must show a doctor's certificate from a government hospital.

"Meanwhile, passengers under the age of six are not required to be vaccinated and are not required to show negative antigen or RT-PCR test results, but must be accompanied by a companion who meets travel requirements," said Daniel.

He said all train passengers must be in good health and wear a three-layer cloth mask or medical mask that covers the nose, mouth, and chin while traveling on the train and while at the station.

"We emphasize to all prospective customers to read and understand the terms and conditions for taking the train that automatically appears and must be approved by prospective customers when purchasing tickets, especially purchases through the KAI Access application," he said.

According to him, KAI has integrated the SatuSehat application, previously named PeduliLindungi, with the KAI boarding system to support the process of validating prospective customers' health documents since July 23, 2021.

With this system integration, he said, the customer's COVID-19 vaccination data would appear on the officer's computer screen during the boarding process.

"This integration is realized through cooperation between KAI and the Ministry of Health," he said.

Daniel said PT KAI Daop 5 Purwokerto opened a third dose of COVID-19 vaccination service at the West Exit of Purwokerto Station to accommodate prospective train passengers who had not received booster vaccinations.

According to him, the third dose of vaccination service is open every day from 08.00 WIB to 12.00 WIB.

"KAI always implements the train ride requirements set by the government. If the government stipulates changes to the requirements, KAI will support and comply with this policy, and will immediately socialize it to the public," he stated.

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