
JAKARTA - Sunan Kalijaga reported the beating of his son to the South Jakarta Metro Police. The report was made after there was no good faith from the parents of the perpetrators.

In the video he uploaded to his Instagram account, Sunan, who was at the South Jakarta Metro Police, said he had closed the door on kinship after not seeing any empathy from the parents, whom he said had acquaintances with some of the ministers and senior lawyers.

"But I'm very sorry, my heart feels boiling, seeing the incident where until this moment we made a report, there was no empathy, no good faith from the perpetrators. So I'm sorry, at this time I prefer the legal option rather than resolved amicably," said Sunan at the South Jakarta Police Headquarters on Friday, March 3, 2023.

Since learning about the beating of his son, Sunan admits that he has tried to open his heart to communicate with the parents of his son's friends. However, it was not an apology he got, but something he considered harassment.

"Yesterday I tried to open my heart but in fact, I was harassed, I was not considered. My son's condition was ignored, no small talk," said Sunan.

"In fact, the parents of the perpetrator know my phone number, there is no empathy, no WhatsApp," he continued.

As a result of this beating, Sunan's son was rushed to the emergency room. The bullying action was carried out three times. The perpetrator threw trash at the victim.

Sunan received information about this persecution from his wife. Mentioned, his son's eyes were bruised and experiencing dizziness. Sunan then asked his youngest son directly about the persecution.

His son, said Sunan, then recounted the incident when he was playing ball. Suddenly, the victim was doused with dirty leaves. Because of an argument, the victim then returned to class.

While in class, the victim was approached again by the perpetrator. Sunan said, the perpetrator wanted to apologize but was not accepted by the child because it was judged that the method was inappropriate.

"He said he wanted to apologize but the way he used it was like hitting," continued Sunan.

Because it was not acceptable, his son then fought back. How could an apology be like bullying?

"Yeah, I'm not happy, how come apologizing feels like bullying, rude like that, it feels like being beaten. Sean stands and is pushed. So, after being pushed by the perpetrator, when he wanted to defend himself, he held him, let alone defending himself, he couldn't even fight," he said.

The child was then beaten blindly in the face, body, and head. Sunan regretted this incident because it took place during school hours.

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