
JAKARTA - The thugs who carry out illegal extortion (pungli) at Tanah Abang Market are targeting only pickup vehicles, vehicles belonging to traders, and visitors to Tanah Abang Market. And according to the confession of one of the perpetrators, his daily income turnover reaches IDR 80,000

"In a day, the perpetrators get around 30 thousand to 80 thousand in cash," said the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Kanit) of the Tanah Abang Metro Police, Kompol Kukuh Islami to VOI, Friday, February 24.

Kanit explained, after the repeal of the PPKM, various vehicles passed and parking lots abounded. So the perpetrators took advantage of the situation by collecting extortion against a number of vehicles.

After undergoing examination, the perpetrators were only subject to tipping (a minor crime). So they are not subject to criminal detention.

"Because of Tipping, we will hand over the perpetrators to Satpol PP and the Social Service," he said.

Even so, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tanah Abang Metro Police will continue to intensify thug operations at a number of points prone to criminal acts.

"We will always carry out routine thug raids, so that there will be no more thuggery in Jakarta according to the instructions from the Regional Police Chief," he said.

Previously it was reported, as many as 10 thugs in the Tanah Abang Market area who carried out illegal extortion (pungli) were successfully arrested by the Central Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit and the Tanah Abang Metro Police.

The perpetrators who were in the area and were suspected of being thugs, were arrested by the police. The thug raid was led by the Head of Ops for the Central Jakarta Metro Police.

Metro Tanah Abang Police Chief Kompol Patar Mula Bona confirmed the arrest of thugs in the Tanah Abang Market area.

"There were 10 thugs who were suspected of being involved in extortion and were arrested. The joint raid was led by the Head of Ops for the Central Jakarta Police and Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for the Central Jakarta Police," Kompol Bona told reporters, Thursday, February 23.

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