
JAKARTA - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is increasingly showing his biological daughter to the world. This time they both appeared in public while watching a soccer match.

They both watched a sporting event attended by government officials on Friday 18 February as reported by Channel News Asia, which cited state media reports. And this is the first time the girl has been seen at a non-military event.

The young princess is often described by state media as Kim's "favorite child" or "respected child". The girl was also invited by Kim to military events, including earlier this month.

Little is known about the girl and she has not been named in state media. South Korean intelligence officials believe she is the daughter identified as Ju Ae by former American basketball player Dennis Rodman, who spent time with the Kim family in 2013.

Read the news "Photo of Kim Jong-un's Daughter Introduced to the World When Accompanied by Her Father Sees the Fierce Ballistic Missiles" which becomes the first moment of Kim Jong-un's daughter appears.

Photo via North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).
Photo via North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un reacts while watching a sports match in Pyongyang, North Korea, in this photo released February 17, 2023, by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

Kim Yo Jong, the strong sister of the North Korean leader, was also seen at the event, sitting in the back row in a photo released by KCNA.

"Audiences made a firm resolution... to make this year a year of great changes for the republic's development path," North Korea's Central News Agency (KCNA) said Saturday from the event.

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