
BANJARMASIN - The Narcotics Research Unit of the Banjarmasin City Police (Polresta), South Kalimantan, seized 223.39 grams of methamphetamine from three dealers who were arrested.

"Apart from methamphetamine which was packed in 45 small packages ready for distribution, we also seized 66 ecstasy pills weighing 24.42 grams," said Banjarmasin Police Chief Kombes Sabana Atmojo in Banjarmasin, Antara, Friday, February 17.

The first trafficker arrested at his house today has the initials MM (34). Police confiscated evidence of 34 packages of methamphetamine weighing 117.48 grams.

Then a second dealer on the same day with the initials PD (38) was arrested on Veteran Street, Banjarmasin City, holding seven packages of methamphetamine weighing 7.39 grams.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, February 14, a team led by the Head of the Banjarmasin Police Narcotics Investigation Unit, Kompol Mars Suryo Kartiko, arrested a dealer with the initials RH (37).

The evidence included four packages of methamphetamine weighing 98.52 grams and 66 ecstasy pills with the purple Monkey logo weighing 24.42 grams.

The Head of City Police ordered the cases of the three suspects to continue to be developed to reveal the dealer network above them. Those arrested, he said, were only couriers who received orders from their network to distribute drugs.

For the three suspects, investigators used Article 114 paragraph 2 sub Article 112 paragraph 2 of the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics which carries a life sentence or imprisonment for a minimum of five years and a maximum of twenty years.

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