
JAKARTA – Even though police have frequently raided Boncos village in Palmerah, West Jakarta, drug trafficking is still rife. Evidenced by the recent arrests of two methamphetamine dealers who were arrested by the police.

They are DH (30) and YR (49), two methamphetamine-type drug dealers who were arrested in Boncos Village or Gang Kiapang. Palmerah Police Chief Commissioner Dodi Abdulrohim said his party arrested the suspect after receiving information from residents.

"We moved and succeeded in arresting the two perpetrators, residents of Kiapang  Street, Kota Bambu Selatan Village, Palmerah District", he said when confirmed, Thursday, February 2.

The perpetrator could not avoid being arrested because the police found evidence in the form of methamphetamine weighing 1.04 grams.

"On the cellphones of the two suspects there is also evidence of communication between the sale of methamphetamine and the buyer", he said.

The police are still developing this case to catch the network of perpetrators and their accomplices.

"We have secured Vivo and Xiaomi brand mobile phones, methamphetamine and IDR 3 million in cash from the sale of drugs", he said.

As a result of their actions, the two perpetrators were charged with the Narcotics Law Article 114 (1) sub 112 (1) in conjunction with Article 132 No.35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

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