TANGERANG - As many as eight members of a motorcycle gang were arrested by the police. Of the 8 perpetrators, three of them were minors with the initials ANS, NDP, and R.
Panongan Police Chief, Iptu Hotma Patuan said the other five perpetrators had the initials DHN, DR, MH, MN, FAS. Regarding the brawl incident, it occurred on Sunday, January 22 at night.
"We secured them when they were about to fight. There they also prepared sharp weapons, both samurai and modified swords," said Panongan Police Chief Iptu Hotma Patuan Anggari at the Panongan Police, Wednesday, January 25.
Based on the investigation, the "Amor" group of motorcycle gangs were annoyed with "Panongan Pusat" because they were often teased. They decide to fight or brawl.
“So the group that we managed to secure, namely Panongan Pusat, was annoyed with the Amor group, because they were often ridiculed. As a result, they challenged each other on social media to fight," he said.
Luckily, the brawl never happened after the police managed to find the brawl perpetrators preparing at Ciapus Village, Panongan, Tangerang Regency.
"While we were on patrol, we secured them, along with evidence of 10 sharp and blunt weapons," he said.
Currently, officers are still carrying out further investigations related to the motorcycle gang action. Whereas later, the eight perpetrators will be subject to Article 2 Paragraph (1) of the Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951 concerning possession of weapons.
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