YOGYAKARTA - The Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) is in the spotlight after being teased by Deddy Corbuzier in a short video. Deddy Corbuzier questioned KPI's presence regarding Fajar Sadboy who was a guest star on a TV program. The duties and authorities of KPI are also questionable.
Deddy Corbuzier expressed his surprise that KPI seemed to be silent when Fajar Sadboy appeared on the TV show. Incidentally, Fajar Sadboy is a 15-year-old teenager. Fajar's figure was widely invited to various events after going viral because of his TikTok video about his sadness.
The Close The Door YouTuber shared his experience hosting the Hitam Putih program. At that time, the event received a warning for inviting small children. However, when Fajar Sadboy appeared on TV, KPI let him. As a result of this polemic, the public questioned the duties and authority of KPI again.
KPI Duties and Authorities
The duties and powers of the KP include broadcasting arrangements carried out by Public Broadcasting Institutions, Private Broadcasting Institutions, and Community Broadcasting Institutions. These provisions have been regulated in Law Number 32 of 2022 concerning Broadcasting.
KPI assignment
Following are the KPI tasks:
- Guarantee the public to obtain appropriate and correct information in accordance with human rights.
- Participate in setting up broadcasting infrastructure.
- Participate in building a climate of healthy competition between broadcasting institutions and related industries.
- Maintaining a fair, equitable, and balanced national information system.
- Accommodate, research, and follow up on complaints, disclaimers, as well as criticism, and public appreciation of broadcasting operations.
- Develop a human resource development plan that guarantees professionalism in broadcasting.
KPI authority
KPI has the authority to formulate and supervise various broadcasting regulations that integrate the government, broadcasting institutions, and the community or the public. These provisions cover all processes of broadcasting activities, starting from establishment, operationalization, accountability and evaluation.
The following are a number of KPI authorities:
- Set broadcast program standards
- Formulate regulations and establish guidelines for broadcasting behavior (proposed by broadcasting associations/communities to KPI)
- Supervise the implementation of broadcasting regulations and code of conduct as well as broadcast program standards.
- Provide sanctions for violations of broadcasting regulations and code of conduct as well as broadcast program standards
- Coordinating and/or cooperating with the Government, broadcasting institutions and the public.
KPI function
KPI was created to become an institution for embodiment and public participation in the field of broadcasting. KPI works by prioritizing the interests of the community and accommodating public aspirations. KPI must be independent, protect people's rights from powerlessness and various interests.
KPI exists to bridge the interests of society, government and broadcasting institutions. In carrying out its functions, KPI must endeavor to form a national broadcasting system that provides legal certainty, order and regularity based on the principles of equality and justice.
Does Censorship Include KPI Tasks?
KPI's duties are actually limited to carrying out program supervision and giving warnings if there are violations of the Broadcasting Code of Conduct and Broadcast Program Standards (P3SPS).
Censorship is actually not the authority of KPI. This institution only gives a warning, does not have the authority to censor. So if there is content or a TV show segment that does not comply with the P3SPS rules, the KPI will issue a warning. KPI monitors programs and broadcasts verification for 24 hours.
The warning given by KPI to the television institution is a verbal and administrative warning. If the warning is not met, then KPI has the right to reduce the duration of an event or temporarily stop broadcasting it. While technical censorship is actually done by television.
This is an overview of KPI's duties and authorities as a broadcasting supervisory agency in Indonesia. Regarding the rules for broadcasting children, in Article 19 of the KPI regulations regarding broadcasting guidelines, it is stated that broadcasting institutions may not interview children under the age of 18.
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