
NTB - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) will take firm action against the sale of liquid nitrogen that has been sniffed out to be used for fast food or Chiki Ngebul (smoky) snacks.

"Therefore, upstream and downstream sales of chiki ngebul must be closely monitored," said the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of NTB, H. Lalu Gita Riadi, in a written statement, Thursday, January 19.

He said that this firm step was taken following the rampant cases of chiki ngebul poisoning that occurred in several areas, such as in Jakarta, Ponorogo, Tasikmalaya, and other areas.

It is known, based on the Antara report, chiki ngebul can cause health problems, especially in skin tissue. Triggers severe breathing difficulties and can trigger internal organ damage.

The NTB Provincial Government held a coordination meeting in anticipation and to protect the public from the effects of consuming chiki ngebul. Although there have not been any cases in NTB, chiki sellers have been found hanging out in crowded places, such as on a car-free day in Udayana Street, Mataram City.

The coordination meeting resulted in several agreements, including PT Samabayu Samator Lombok to tighten the sale of liquid nitrogen only for certain purposes and under the supervision of the Department of Trade.

The NTB PP Pol Unit will also carry out control or confiscation if it is found selling chiki ngebul before the victims fall.

"Don't allow children to buy chiki ngebul. Later it will be fatal," said Lalu Gita Riadi.

The Mataram City Education Office, asks for the participation and role of parents to supervise children so they don't consume Chiki Ngebul, because the snack uses a mixture of liquid nitrogen which can be harmful to health.

"Supervision of parents, in this case, is very important. In schools we have appealed and supervised the sale of dangerous food," said the Head of the Mataram City Education Office (Disdik) Yusuf Zain.

According to him, for the control of dangerous food, especially the hot dog, which is currently on the rise, a circular has been issued from the Mataram City Health Office which is a derivative of the Ministry of Health's appeal contained in Circular Letter (SE) Number KL.02.02/C/90/2023 concerning Supervision Against the Use of Liquid Nitrogen in Ready Food Products.

In the circular, his party has asked schools to monitor and prohibit any chiki ngebul selling, both within the school environment and outside the school.

"We have asked for it to be banned so that children are not interested in buying these dangerous foods," he said.

In addition to having issued an appeal from the Health Service, the school principal has also reminded students not to consume the chiki ngebul snack anymore.

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