
REJANG LEBONG - The Bengkulu Provincial Government joint team fined dozens of mining vehicles from Jambi Province with loads exceeding capacity when they entered the area.

The raid was carried out on Thursday, December 1 from morning to evening at UPPKB Padang Ulak Tanding, Rejang Lebong Regency.

"Dozens of these mining vehicles were netted during a joint raid that we conducted," said the Head of the Bengkulu Province Transportation Office, Bambang Agus Suprabudi in a written statement at Rejang Lebong, Antara, Friday, December 2.

This joint team, he said, was also backed up by the Bengkulu Army Military Police Detachment (POMAD) and the Bengkulu Police Traffic Directorate.

According to him, the action against the overloaded mining vehicles was carried out after discovering that there were many activities of coal transport vehicles that were suspected of exceeding their capacity to enter the area, which would have a negative impact on road conditions in Bengkulu Province.

During the raid, the joint team found 22 units of coal transport vehicles originating from Sarolangun Regency, Jambi, after they checked the average over dimension and overload (Odol).

Meanwhile, the Head of BPTD Region VI Bengkulu-Lampung Bahar added that the road capacity in Bengkulu Province is currently a maximum of 8 tons, while the average payload capacity of these coal transport vehicles is more than 14 tons.

"Tonight, we will first socialize the transportation operators and take action in the form of tickets, by giving the maximum ticket fines," said Bahar.

Dozens of coal transport vehicles are known to belong to PT. Selamat Jaya Prasada (SJP), which transports coal belonging to the mining company PT. Karya Bumi Baratama Sarolangun Jambi Province, while the goal is PT. Bengkulu Electric Power (TLB).

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