
MATARAM - The West Nusa Tenggara High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati NTB) has taken over the handling of the alleged corruption case in the construction of the Labuhan Lalar Floating Pier which has been stalled or abandoned since construction in 2016. This case was previously handled by the West Sumbawa District Attorney.

West Sumbawa Attorney General's Intelligence Section Head Herris Priyadi confirmed this. "Yes, it's not with us anymore, the case is now at the NTB High Court", Herris said when contacted in Mataram, Antara, Thursday, December 1.

Meanwhile, the spokesperson for the NTB Prosecutor's Office, Efrien Saputera, admitted that he had not received any information, either from the intelligence or special crimes sector. "There is no such information yet, let me check again. If there is, we will definitely convey it", said Efrien.

The Labuhan Lalar Floating Pier is located on the western edge of Sumbawa Island, facing directly into the waters of the Alas Strait. This project consumed a budget of IDR 1.5 billion from the 2016 Revised APBD.

In the initial planning, the government built this pier to support sea transportation, specifically for the fast boat category with the West Sumbawa Regency-East Lombok Regency crossing route.

However, this has not been realized because the condition of the floating pier is now not functioning according to plan. The impression of omission appears in the community.

Following up on these conditions, the West Sumbawa Prosecutor's Office in 2019 paid attention by tracing the causes of the pier being stalled.

According to information received by the prosecutor's office, large sea waves once hit the pier causing several pier materials to be washed away and lost by the current.

Repairs have been carried out by the contractor. However, reportedly the current condition is again damaged without any further repairs.

In addition to tracing field information, the prosecutor's office once asked for clarification from parties who knew about and were involved in working on the project. One of them, the Head of the West Sumbawa Transportation Service.

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