
JAKARTA - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) has updated the latest data regarding the death toll from the 5.6 magnitude earthquake that rocked Cianjur, West Java, last Monday, November 21.

The head of BNPB, Suharyanto, said that on the fourth day of the evacuation process, it was known that 310 people had died. Meanwhile, 24 people are still in the process of being searched.

"Well, these 24 people are still being sought, but the identities of these 24 people have been clearly identified so that later they will be found, all that's left is the missing number", he explained in a press conference quoted from the BNPB Indonesia Youtube channel, Friday, November 25.

He added that the joint search and rescue team operation that took place today also found 17 bodies from various affected districts. Including from Cugenang, Cianjur.

Suharyanto also revised the data submitted at the press conference yesterday, Wednesday, November 24. It was stated that of the 272 victims who died, 32 of them were residents of Cugenang, and 7 were passers-by who happened to be passing by when the disaster occurred. It turns out that the number of passers-by or residents outside Cugenang is 9 instead of 7.

"These 9 bodies are because the passers-by from outside are still being identified, the direction is with this incident, please all the people around the Cugenang sub-district or the entire Cianjur district or from outside the Cianjur district who feel that their family members are not found or are missing immediately report", he explained.

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