
JAKARTA - The ambulance driver, Ahmad Syahrul Ramadhan said that an unknown person had been contacted to pick up the body at Ferdy Sambo's official residence in the Duren Tiga area of ​​Jakarta, which was the location of the murder of Brigadier J.

Syahrul was presented as a witness for the three defendants in the case of Brigadier J's death, namely Bharada Richard Eliezer, Bripka Ricky Rizal, and Kuat Ma'ruf.

The testimony began when Syahrul explained that the company where he worked was sent a message on July 8 at around 19.08 WIB. It contains a map of the pick-up location.

"I got a call from the company's call center, I was sent to share the location of the pick-up location," said Syahrul in a trial at the South Jakarta District Court (PN Jaksel), Monday, November 7.

Syahrul continued, about 5 minutes after getting the pick-up location share, an unknown person contacted him. He was asked to give his whereabouts via the short message application WhatsApp.

"Then at 19.13 WIB there was an unknown WA number, I asked to share the location, then at 19.14 I sent the share loc," he said.

Next, Syahrul immediately went to the map of the pick-up location that had been sent. Right in front of Siloam Duren Tiga Hospital, someone shouted at him.

The person said that he ordered an ambulance service. It's just that Syahrul doesn't remember who this person is.

"Then we arrived at Siloam Duren Tiga, an unknown person knocked on the car window. 'Sir, sir, here, sir, I ordered an ambulance,' he rode a motorbike," said Syahrul.

Until finally, Syahrul followed the person. It turned out that the intended location was Ferdy Sambo's official residence. Then, the body that was picked up was Brigadier J.

In this case, Richard Eliezer, Ricky Rizal, and Kuat Ma'ruf were jointly charged with Ferdy Sambo and Putri Candrawathi with premeditated murder on Brigadier J.

As a result of their actions, they were charged with violating Article 338 of the Criminal Code, subsidiary to Article 340 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.

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