
SUMUT - Tebing Tinggi Police arrested a narcotics dealer under the guise of a market trader on Sei Bailang Street, Mandailing Village, Tebing Tinggi City, North Sumatra (North Sumatra).

The traders are PTR (40) residents of Sei Bailang Street, Mandailing Village, Tebing Tinggi District, Tebing Tinggi City.

"Officers found evidence in the form of two transparent plastic clips containing white crystal powder suspected of being methamphetamine with a gross weight of 0.28 grams," said Head of Public Relations of the Tebing Tinggi Police AKP Agus Arianto, quoted from Antara, Thursday, November 4.

The suspect was arrested by officers at Sei Bailang Street, Tebing Tinggi City, Wednesday, November 2, at around 11.50 WIB.

Personnel from the Narcotics Unit of the Tebing Tinggi Police arrested the suspect when he was about to conduct a narcotics transaction.

"When he was arrested, methamphetamine was found and all the evidence was in the PTR's hands," he said.

The suspect and the evidence were then taken to the Tebing Tinggi Police Narcotics Investigation Unit for further legal proceedings.

"The suspect violated Article 114 paragraph (1) Subs Article 112 paragraph (1) of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics," he said.

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