Father Who Killed Daughter In Depok Confessing To Be Disappointed He Is Not Considered Part Of Family
Rizky Noviyandi Achmad, a father who killed his biological daughter at Jatijajar Housing, Depok, West Java. (VOI/Special)


JAKARTA - RNA (30) admitted to carrying out the massacre because he was angry with his wife and child. Because they do not consider him in the family. He admitted that during his family life with his wife, his wife did not respect him as a husband. This happens because the results of his salary are not sufficient for daily living needs.

"She often annoyed me, never appreciated and always trampled on, I am also a man having self-respect," said RNA at the Depok Metro Police, Wednesday, November 2.

Meanwhile, RNA also explained why he killed his daughter. Because he is not appreciated as the father of KP.

"I have sent my child to school and taught her about religion, but every time I asked her questions, she never answered," he said.

The climax was when he came home at dawn, seeing his wife and daughter rushed out of the house. When he asked his daughter, KP ignored him.

“I asked, but she never answered, I asked her but she was indifferent, I was emotional (KP—his biological daughter). Besides that, when my wife said she wanted to go home, she said she didn't want to be with me anymore, from there my emotions rose," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Depok Metro Police AKBP Yogen Heroes Baruno, said that a sadistic murder took place in the Pondok Jatijajar Cluster, Tapos, Depok, on Tuesday, November 1.

The perpetrator is the biological father of his 11-year-old daughter. Not only that, but the perpetrator also injured his wife until she was in critical condition.

Now the perpetrator has been arrested and has been named a suspect. For his actions, he is suspected of Article 338 of the Criminal Code and or Article 44 paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 00 23 of 2004, the threat of a sentence of 15 years in prison.

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