
JAKARTA - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin held a bilateral meeting with the President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan (MBZ) at the Al Shatie Palace in Abu Dhabi.

During the meeting, the Vice President again emphasized that cooperation in the construction of the School of Future Studies in Indonesia through collaboration between Mohammed bin Zayed University for Humanities (MBZUH) and Nahdlatul Ulama University (UNU) Yogyakarta will be realized immediately.

"I ask for Your Majesty's support so that this cooperation can be realized immediately," said the Vice President at the Al Shatie Palace in Abu Dhabi, Wednesday, November 2, as quoted from a written statement, Thursday, November 3.

In addition, based on the Antara report, the Vice President hopes for increased cooperation in efforts to promote moderate Islam, especially through sending imams from Indonesia to preach in UAE mosques.

"Currently, Indonesia has sent 70 imams from Indonesia to the UAE. I am sure, with His Majesty's support, the target of sending 200 priests will be easier to achieve," he said.

On the other hand, the Vice President appreciated the cooperation between Indonesia and the UAE in the construction of the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque and the Islamic Center in Solo, Central Java.

The building will be inaugurated by President Jokowi and President MBZ on 17 November.

The Vice President also expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the support of the UAE government in the construction of the Indonesian Embassy in Abu Dhabi and the new Indonesian Ambassador's House.

"Hopefully we can further strengthen the cooperation and brotherhood of our two countries," he said.

Meanwhile, President MBZ also welcomed all the wishes of the Vice President. He said, there are many fields that can be collaborated between Indonesia and the UAE, especially in the field of technology to support the development of the School of Future Studies.

"I see Indonesia as a country that has a fairly high capability in the field of technology," said MBZ President.

In addition, he continued, the large population is a separate strength for Indonesia among other Islamic countries.

He believes that with all existing indicators, Indonesia will become a great country in the next 25 years.

"Because Indonesia is supported by stability, and stability in time will be the most important factor for the progress of a country," he said.

In addition, said MBZ President, Indonesia also has a workforce who has a high work ethic so the UAE has an interest in increasing cooperation in the field of employment, including in the fields of technology, economy, and as fellow Muslim countries.

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