MATARAM - Police officers arrested a state civil servant (ASN) in Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara for allegedly being involved in the distribution of methamphetamine.
The Head of the Narcotics Unit, Ipda Abdul Mali,k confirmed the arrest of the woman with the initials CH (42) who is an ASN.
"Yes, the person concerned was ASN, he was arrested this morning at his home in the Bali Satu Village", said Abdul Malik when confirmed by telephone, Antara, Wednesday, October 19.
From the arrest of CH, the police confiscated white crystalline powder suspected of methamphetamine from four clear plastic clip packaging weighing 1.84 grams.
In addition to evidence of suspected drugs, continued Malik, the police also confiscated a shabu-shabu, an empty plastic clip bundle, and CH's cell phone.
Regarding CH's arrest, which took place in the early hours of the morning, Malik said that his party was still conducting a series of investigations.
However, Malik assured that CH's examination led to a criminal charge of Article 112 and/or Article 114 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35/2009 concerning Narcotics.
"So, the person concerned is still in custody because the investigation is still ongoing", he said.
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