
MEDAN - In front of the pastors who are members of the Branch Leadership Council (DPC) of the Indonesian Pastors Association (API) of Medan City, Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution invites to support the Medan City Government program, one of which is realizing an Independent House of Worship.

Through this program, the community is expected to be able to start all their life activities, especially in the economic field from houses of worship. This is done in order to realize the welfare of society in the future.

This invitation was conveyed by Bobby Nasution while attending the National Seminar with the material "Strengthening Friendship Relations among the Children of the Nation and Strengthening North Sumatra as a Miniature of Indonesia" at the International Lake Toba Hotel Medan, Wednesday, September 28.

Through the house of worship, President Joko Widodo's son-in-law hopes that the economic cycle will run more effectively and massively, especially in providing assistance.

"I would like to thank the Medan City API DPC which has involved the Medan City Government in this activity. Of course this is a means for us to convey various programs that are being and will be carried out by the Medan City Government. Of course it is necessary to inform the Medan City Government of various programs, both formally and informally. or informally," said Bobby Nasution, quoted from a written statement by the Medan City Government Public Relations.

The Independent House of Worship, explained Bobby Nasution, is one of the current Medan City Government programs to improve the community's economy.

Moreover, he said, when he was sworn in as the number one person in the Medan City Government, the COVID-19 pandemic was hitting the city of Medan. Related to that, he added, various programs were carried out to overcome the problems of COVID-19, including the economy.

"Through houses of worship, this economic cycle is expected to be more effective and massive in providing assistance. If houses of worship in Medan help us, then this program can run optimally. It is difficult for us to move on our own. In addition, through houses of worship, it can be seen who the residents need help and which ones don't. This means that houses of worship can sort out the surrounding communities," he explained.

Related to that, Bobby Nasution invited the Medan City API DPC to help run the Medan City Government program, especially the Independent Houses of Worship, especially the Independent Church to help people who need assistance.

"Let's together support the Medan City Government program so that it can run optimally, especially the Independent Church program through the help of pastors," he hoped.

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