
MATARAM - The Mataram City Government in West Nusa Tenggara Province has prepared IDR 5 billion in funds to provide social assistance to traders, including street vendors.

Head of the Mataram City Trade Office, Uun Pujianto, said that social assistance for traders would be distributed this year in the form of cash.

According to him, the city government provides social assistance to traders with varying values ​​depending on the scale of business to provide them with additional business capital.

"Aid was also given, some per person, some per group", he said in Mataram, Antara, Wednesday, September 28.

The value of assistance per beneficiary ranges from IDR 2.5 million to IDR 10 million. Funding for traders comes from the council's aspiration fund.

"In the beginning, we received IDR 3 billion from the council, but in the revised Regional Budget (APBD), we got another IDR 2 billion. So, the social assistance from the council's aspirations will be IDR 5 billion this year", he said.

He said that the Trade Office did not propose the allocation of social assistance funds for traders from the general transfer fund of IDR 3.4 billion.

"We already have our own social assistance budget, so we don't propose it to the Social Service", he said.

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