
BEKASI - The Bekasi District Attorney's Office is considered to have chosen the suspect in the alleged corruption case of the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program in Emblemsari Village, Tambun Selatan District.

The statement was made by hundreds of residents of Emblemsari Village during a peaceful demonstration at the Bekasi Regency Government office complex, Sukamahi Village, Central Cikarang District, Wednesday, September 21.

"Beharana program PTSL (which the Bekasi District Attorney's Office investigated) is the village secretary, he also enjoys PTSL's money. All villages also have PTSL's management costs, we ask that everything be investigated thoroughly", said resident representative Abdul Rahman.

The Bekasi District Attorney's Office is considered selective in determining the suspect PTSL in Emblemsari Village. The Prosecutor's Office only detained the village head (PH), while other devices were left free.

"On behalf of the entire community, Emblemsari Village, PTSL 2021 applicants, community leaders, youth, elements of LKD, RT/RW, Posyandu, PKK, community social workers, Karang Taruna, LPM, Pokdar Kamtibmas, Linmas, BKM, suspect that PTSL has been criminalized over our village head", he said, confiscated by Antara.

For this reason, hundreds of residents also demonstrated in the Bekasi Regency Government. Each resident brought a land certificate to be given to the Bekasi District Attorney's Office as a form of protest for the handling of the case not being completed.

"We will again take action at the State Palace to express our gratitude to President Joko Widodo as well as complain about the problems of our village heads who are victims of PTSL's criminalization", he said.

As is known, the Bekasi District Attorney's Office is investigating the corruption in the implementation of the PTSL program in Emblemsari Village in 2021. In that case, it was found that abuse of authority was found by collecting IDR 400,000 from residents to take care of land certificates.

From the results of the investigation, it is known that the number of applicants for the PTSL program in Emblemsari Village reached 1,165 certificates from three hamlets. As a result, the total levy of PTSL levies was collected of IDR 466,000,000.

The investigation into the alleged corruption case was protested by residents because the Bekasi District Attorney's Office only named the village head of PH as a suspect. Even though there are other village officials involved.

In a statement from the Bekasi District Attorney's Office some time ago, the prosecutor's office stated that several village officials were involved, namely village secretary, government officer, hamlet head, RW head, and RT head. However, no further investigation was carried out.

As a result of the investigation into this case, residents suspect that this case is full of political content. Not to mention, because the investigation was not completed, it was feared that illegal levies on the PTSL program would occur again.

Unfortunately, regarding the pressure, the Head of the Bekasi District Attorney's Office, Ricky Anas Setiawan, did not provide a response. The head of the Adhyaksa corps is known to have closed himself from the media crew. Instead of providing clarification, Ricky blocked the mobile number from the media.

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