JAYAPURA - Commander of the Military Command (Pangdam) XVII Cenderawasih, Maj. Gen. Muhammad Saleh Mustafa ensured that the perpetrators of the mutilation of four residents in Timika, Papua, would receive the appropriate punishment.
"All processes run quickly so that there is legal certainty and justice for all parties, including the perpetrators, they will receive the appropriate punishment", he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, September 5.
He conveyed his deep condolences to the families of the victims, may they be given fortitude and the victims are accepted by the side of God Almighty.
By the direction of the TNI leadership, both the TNI Commander and the Army Chief of Staff stated that this case must be opened transparently and fulfills the value of accountability in terms of law enforcement and speed so that currently the suspects are subject to Article 340 of the Criminal Code and Article 365 of the Criminal Code.
In addition, he said, the perpetrators will be subject to multiple articles because they are currently in the process of completing the file in collaboration with the police and National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) for the next stage.
"Let's wait together for the results of the investigation until the court stage, continue to monitor and follow so that if something is missed we can give advice and be reminded, even Komnas HAM has been given access to the case", he said.
The mutilation case of four residents of Nduga Regency in Timika occurred Monday, August 22 by 10 perpetrators, six of whom were members of the Indonesian Army from Infantry Brigade 20.
So far, only the victim's body has been found in four different sacks, while the head, legs, and arms have not been found.
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