
JAKARTA - Russia has firmly defended Palestine regarding the escalation that occurred in the Gaza Strip last weekend, calling it initiated by a provocation by Israel.

Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya of the UN Security Council session on the situation in the Gaza Strip on Monday said the August 5 attack by the Israeli Air Force provoked an escalation around the Gaza Strip which led to mass bombings by Palestinian groups.

"The rapid deterioration of the situation in the conflict zone leading to armed confrontations and heavy casualties causes our deep concern," he said, cited from TASS on August 9.

"Another escalation was caused by the Israeli air force attack on the Gaza Strip on August 5 in response to Palestinian groups who started indiscriminate mass bombings against Israel," the diplomat explained.

On the occasion, Nebenzya praised the mediation efforts carried out by Egypt and Qatar as well as the contribution of the United Nations, so that the two conflicting parties could reach a ceasefire.

Nevertheless, the Russian diplomat urged "all parties involved to exercise complete restraint, to comply with the norms of international humanitarian law and to prevent a new escalation of military action."

Israel began Operation Breaking Dawn against Islamic Jihad in Gaza on August 5. The radicals fired 1.100 missiles at Israel in the 56 hours of operation.

The Israeli army struck 170 military targets of the group. The ceasefire, which Egypt helped mediate, came into effect on August 7. Israel reserves the right to use force if the ceasefire is violated.

As previously reported, at least 44 people, including 15 children, were killed in the 56 hours of violence that began when an Israeli air strike hit a senior Islamic Jihad commander. Israel said its action was a pre-emptive strike against an attack planned by the Iran-backed group, citing Reuters.

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