
JAKARTA - PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said his party was waiting for the results of the General Election Commission (KPU) verification and then discussed inter-party cooperation.

His party did not want to rush into discussing the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres), whose stages will only begin in August 2023.

"This verification will determine which political parties will pass. So, if we have not worked together yet, then there are parties that do not qualify, what about it?" said Hasto to reporters in Jakarta, Sunday, August 7.

This reason makes PDIP more focused on dealing with verification issues at the KPU first. In fact, the party bearing the bull symbol deliberately registered early and became the first party because it wanted to comply with the predetermined election stages.

"There is still enough time for the PDI-P to discuss it (inter-party cooperation, ed)," said Hasto.

Moreover, PDIP remains firm in its initial stance on putting forward the government of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). According to Hasto, it is more important for all parties, including ministers, to focus on work rather than dealing with elections.

Moreover, a number of threats such as war create instability in the country. "The current priority scale is how to encourage Mr. Jokowi's government, all ranks of his cabinet to work hard so that the people get the best in national economic development," he said.

"So don't make ourselves do things that actually have time to do in the future, it can be done in August 2023 when the registration of candidate pairs is carried out based on the KPU stages," continued Hasto.

Furthermore, Hasto ensured that his party will also prepare the name that will be carried as a presidential candidate in the upcoming election. Whoever the figure is, of course, will be chosen by the Chairperson of the PDIP Megawati Soekarnoputri.

However, it is certain that the chosen candidate is someone who has faced many tests in the field.

"The training in this field will be finalized from now until August next year. This is the training of the PDI-P leader who will be chosen by Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri as a presidential candidate," he concluded.

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