
JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan's decision to change the branding of regional public hospitals (RSUD) in Jakarta into healthy homes for Jakarta has drawn criticism from the DKI DPRD, particularly PDIP and PSI.

Member of the PDID faction of the DKI DPRD, Gilbert Simanjuntak, asked Anies not to simply change the name of the hospital owned by the regional government before coordinating with the Ministry of Health. Because, nationally, the term RS still means "hospital".

"Nationally, RS is still an acronym for hospital, not a healthy house. This means that DKI should not replace it carelessly without discussing this with a grammar expert and asking the Ministry of Health's opinion," Gilbert told reporters, Wednesday, August 3.

Gilbert assessed that the double meaning used by Anies in the form of a healthy house and a hospital used by the private sector and other areas would confuse the public.

"The naming of a hospital as a healthy house will cause confusion. Interpreting the English word 'hospital' will have two meanings, a healthy house for the DKI Jakarta Regional Hospital and a hospital outside the RSUD, and both have different meanings. This will confuse those who attend school. This is the same as the meaning of a halfway house which is different from a residence," explained Gilbert.

The chairman of the PSI faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Anggara Wicitra Sastroamidjojo, views that changing the brand name "healthy house" has no urgency in the health sector. It would be better if Anies increased the number of public health centers (puskesmas) in urban villages that had not been reached.

"In Governor Anies' tenure since 2017, the development of public health centers in these regencies was not pursued. In fact, public health centers are important as access to the main public services in the region. In addition, public health centers also play an important role in preventive promotive efforts. In my opinion, do not focus on ceremonial things first before the essential ones are finished," said Ara.

The chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, also opened his voice. Prasetyo said Anies should have made policies and breakthroughs that had a positive impact on society. It is not a policy that is not urgent, according to Prasetyo, such as changing the name of a street in Jakarta.

"What is immediately apparent is his success in the community. It's not just a name change, yesterday the street name is now a hospital. Stop making inconsequential policies," said Prasetyo.

Prasetyo admitted that he was intrigued by the naming of the healthy house that Anies had predicted to replace the name of the hospital. According to him, for a long time, everyone knew that the hospital was a place to treat disease.

Moreover, the naming of hospitals is clearly stated in Law Number 4 of 2009 concerning Hospitals.

"So indeed the rules in Article 1 are clear, the name is hospital. Since a long time ago, when we were sick, where did we run to? Yes, to the hospital. Indeed, the hospital was to treat illness. That's the logic. When we become healthy, we may work, active again," Prasetyo said.

The reason Anies Changed Hospital Branding to Healthy Homes for Jakarta

Rumah Sehat for Jakarta (Healthy House for Jakarta) is a manifestation of the health services of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government as many as 31 hospitals. Anies also explained why he made the policy.

Anies said that the change of the name of the hospital to a healthy house at a health service facility owned by the regional government was carried out to change the mindset of the community so that they not only visited when they were sick, but also in order to maintain and improve the quality of their health.

This was conveyed by Anies at the launch of the naming of a healthy house for Jakarta at Cengkareng Hospital, West Jakarta, Wednesday, August 3.

“So far, our hospital is curative and rehabilitative, so people come because they are sick and want to get well. Come to the hospital to get well, but to get well you have to be sick first. Well, on the other hand, in yesterday's pandemic, we witnessed the importance of maintaining health. Therefore, the role of the Healthy House is added, namely the promotive and preventive aspects," said Anies.

Anies hopes that this name change will succeed in making people think that they come to healthy homes to be healthier.

For example, by conducting medical and mental health check-ups, vaccination and immunization, and various other preventive promotive activities. That way, this healthy home is designed to really make us oriented to a healthy life, not just oriented to recovering from illness.

“With this branding, we hope that people will view healthy homes from a different perspective. Moreover, in the international language, the hospital is defined as a hospital from hospitality which means friendliness. It is hoped that through this name, conversations at home will also talk about being healthy, not sick, because our subconscious underlines that," said Anies.

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