
JAKARTA - To prevent fires caused by electrical short circuits, the West Jakarta City Government together with the State Electricity Company (PLN) conducted an electric current control operation (OPAL) in the Palmerah area, West Jakarta, Wednesday, August 3.

"We are doing it in the Palmerah sub-district, currently there are four teams that we have deployed for the operation", said the head of the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) of Pal Merah sub-district, Sumitro, quoting Antara.

Electrical short circuits can be caused by several things, one of which is illegally stealing electricity to using currents outside the specified kWh provisions.

In this activity, Sumitro and the ranks of PLN officers explored several settlements in the Palmerah area

So far, his party has only found one resident's house in RT 009/15, Palmerah Village that uses a current above the specified kWh. Sumitro did not specify the limit of kWh of electricity in the house and how much current they have used so far.

However, Sumitro ensured that the party found in violation was only required to pay the remaining amount of electricity he used.

This was confirmed by the Manager of the Electricity Transaction Section of PLN for the Kebon Jeruk area, Andi Setiawan.

"This is not a fine, but just paying for the shortfall", he explained.

After being required to pay the remaining money, his party will replace the house's kWh meter with a new one so that the electric current measurement in the house will return to normal.

Andi appealed to residents not to steal electricity and to use cables with proven quality.

He said the use of cables whose resistance was not by the electric current could cause sparks.

"Later, sparks can arise that can cause a fire. We can see from PLN's history, how much is used, and we can check if there is a direct connection or what. But it can't be read on the transformer", Andi explained.

Until now, the Satpol PP and other PLN officers are still conducting inspections at every house in the Palmerah area.

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