
WEST PAPUA - The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of West Papua has named a middle-ranking officer at the Sorong City Police, Commissioner CB as a suspect in narcotics abuse.

The head of the West Papua BNN, Brigadier General Heri Istu Hariono, said that in addition to CB, BNN also arrested H as a dealer and owner of 13 packages of methamphetamine.

"It has been investigated and has been named a suspect. Indeed, the individual only used and controlled less than one gram of crystal methamphetamine", said Hariono in Manokwari, Antara, Wednesday, July 20.

From the results of the examination, CB had been using methamphetamine for a long time, and it was found that he was in a hotel room with H in South Sorong. "By the firm commitment of the Regional Police Chief, we will continue the process, even if there is rehabilitation in the prison", he continued.

West Papua BNN continues to develop the case to ascertain the origin of the shipment of methamphetamine which from initial information came from the South Sulawesi area.

Meanwhile, the Director of Drugs at the West Papua Police, Commissioner Agustinus Indra Napitupulu, after meeting the head of BNN, said that the West Papua Police handed over the entire legal process to the West Papua BNN.

"The process is handed over to BNN, we support the Head of BNN for legal proceedings against members of the police", said Commissioner Napitupulu.

He also confirmed that as a result of the case, all Polres and ranks were ordered to carry out urine tests for their members. "With this case, we all reacted to carry out urine tests to all ranks in the West Papua Regional Police", he explained.

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