JAKARTA - President Jokowi recently visited two conflict countries, namely Ukraine and Germany. UI Professor of International Law Hikmahanto Juwana assessed that Jokowi's visit was starting to look fruitful.
"The president who wrapped up the ceasefire effort with the big issue of the food crisis in developing countries became the basis for a direct meeting of representatives from Ukraine and Russia in Turkey yesterday, July 13," Hikmahanto said in a statement, Thursday, July 14.
Although the results of the meeting are not yet known, there has been awareness from the warring parties in Ukraine that the war in Ukraine has created a new crisis for the world in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
He said that the Russia-Ukraine direct meeting needs to be kept on momentum until a ceasefire occurs to save the world, especially developing countries.
According to a Reuters report, a military delegation from Russia, Ukraine, and Turkey met United Nations (UN) officials in Istanbul on Wednesday, July 13.
They started talks about continuing Ukrainian grain exports from the Black Sea port of Odesa as the global food crisis worsened.
Turkey has been working with the United Nations to broker a deal after Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, raised prices for wheat, cooking oil, fuel, and fertilizer.
Ukraine and Russia are the world's main suppliers of wheat. Russia is also a large fertilizer exporter, while Ukraine is a significant producer of corn and sunflower oils.
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