
TANGERANG - The Tangerang Regency Government has closed the COVID-19 isolation place at the Yasmin Hotel, Curug, Tangerang Regency. This happened because of the controlled cases of the virus from China.

"Alhamdulillah, COVID-19 is now under control. And although the cases are still there, it's not like a month or a year ago", Tangerang Regent Ahmed Zaki Iskandar told reporters at the Yasmin Hotel, Wednesday, June 15.

"Alhamdulillah, the results of this monitoring have become a medical study, although as a whole, the Tangerang Regency Government has finally closed the operation of the Yasmin hotel", he continued.

Zaki said that if later COVID-19 cases were found again, the party would prepare health facilities in several hospitals. He ensured that this hotel would return to its original state, which was to become a public lodging place.

"If there are still cases of COVID-19 spreading, we will prepare a place to accommodate about 500 rooms in several hospitals which will later become places for treating COVID-19 patients", he said.

Hotel Yasmin, continued Zaki, has been sprayed with disinfectant by his side. This ensures that the place is safe for the general public to occupy.

"It has been done for 2 weeks, gradually at the Yasmin Hotel the sterilization process is carried out. So it has been confirmed that this is very safe", he concluded.

Closing of the Health Post at the Yasmin Hotel, Curug, Tangerang.

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