
JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin opened an online International Conference on the Management of the Special Branch of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PCINU) of the Netherlands.

The vice president advised PCINU, the majority of whom are Indonesian students in the Netherlands so that national and religious values go hand in hand like science and faith.

“As a cadre of a social organization based on the Islamic Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah, I ask you to be able to show that nationality and religion are one breath in bringing Indonesia forward. Such as knowledge and faith, which bring more benefits if they go hand in hand", said the Vice President in a press release quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 8.

The vice president explained the importance of science as mentioned in the first verse of the Koran, Iqra, which has the meaning not only to be read, and recited, but to be contemplated and studied.

In addition, the word science or knowledge is also repeated 750 times in the Koran so that seeking knowledge is an obligation for Muslims to get closer to Allah SWT.

“Take advantage of the opportunity to live in the Netherlands to gain as much knowledge as possible and expand your network. Later, when you return to Indonesia, you will be ready to fill various roles and strategic positions to continue the nation's development", said the Vice President.

The vice president hopes that the lessons and experiences gained while studying abroad can be shared with relatives when they return to Indonesia.

"Be an inspiration to your compatriots so that more and more Indonesian people receive the highest education possible", he hoped.

The Vice President appreciated the PCINU initiative to organize a conference that spreads Islamic knowledge that brings goodness.

Closing his remarks, the Vice President opened the Dutch PCINU International Conference while praying for the success of the event.

“By saying Bismillahirrohmanirrohim, I declare that the Dutch PCINU International Conference is open. Hopefully, this conference will run smoothly and become a platform to manifest NU's struggle in playing its global role, NU going global", said the Vice President.

The PCINU International Conference with the theme “Reimagining Religion and Values in time of (societal) crisis” was held from 8-9 June 2022 at the Vrije University Hall, Amsterdam, and Klooster Kerk, The Hague, and was attended by Indonesian students and expatriates in the Netherlands.

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