
JAKARTA - Family Psychologist from the University of Indonesia Integrated Clinic, Anna Surti Ariani S.Psi., M.Si explained that the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on the decline in children's social skills because they had difficulty communicating directly or getting along with peers.

"This is really something that is challenging during a pandemic. We know that during a pandemic, it is advisable to stay at home. This means that children don't meet their friends," explained Anna during an online discussion, Thursday, June 2.

"In fact, to be able to improve social skills, there should be direct interaction with friends. So what happened? There was a report from Yogyakarta, it turned out that the scores for social skills had indeed decreased. It was even proven in more than 90 percent of children who have decreased social skills," she added.

Furthermore, Anna explained that children's social skills cannot only be taught theoretically. However, practice is also very important to do. Because if children do not have social skills, then this can have short-term and long-term effects on the child.

"In the past two years, we have had difficulty stimulating children to practice these social skills. In the short term, these children often experience social problems. They are considered unwilling to cooperate, insensitive to the needs of others, and so on," Anna said.

"If allowed to continue, it can lead to long-term effects, for example experiencing several types of psychological disorders," she added.

Therefore, Anna appealed to parents to help their children in stimulating their social skills. For example, one thing that can be done is to teach children to donate. Thus, it can increase the child's sense of empathy and concern.

"So it's really important, you know. As soon as this pandemic period subsides, immediately develop and stimulate our children's social skills. For example, setting aside the things they have for other people," said Anna.

"Actually, when we invite children to donate, it also makes us stimulate their social abilities," she concluded.

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